Jolanda-Pieta (Joey) van Arnhem

Artist, Researcher, Teacher (ART)

Sketch Book (Daily Practice & Process)

Lost & Found

Found objects have always fascinated me, I have always wondered what they were, where they came from, and what they could become. I started collecting found objects from the reconstruction and deconstruction of Charleston accumulated during daily walks around the city in April of 2007. I still continue to collect found objects wherever I am. I use them to experiment with creating still life drawings, assembling and reassembling them into a variety of spontaneous found object “sculptures,” developing character sketches based on them, and creating assemblage art. These objects have become a daily part of my artistic practice.1

Found Object Still Life Drawings

Found Object Characters

Thumbnails & Sketches

Art that deals with the everyday has always been of primary importance to me. Thumbnails and sketches are a big part of my daily art practice. They help me conceptualize ideas, understand what I need to learn more about, and work out my processes. I try not to allow these activities to become precious. Instead, the goal is to make progress every day. Being able to speak in the visual vocabulary of real, daily life requires thoughtful collection and archival of materials, reiteration, and reflection.2

The Vermont Ledger Series

The Vermont Ledger Series (started at my time at Vermont College of Fine Arts during my MFA program) is a body of work that I keep coming back to. It is full of ideas explored and work that I continue to pursue.3

  1. I continue to work on Lost & Found projects. They are currently in an iterative stage of development for character development. I would like to learn how to do screen printing and typesetting in order to create posters and cards. I am also working on a graphic novel/comic based on the characters created so far. I continue to add additional still life drawings for the series and they are available as giclee prints on demand. ↩︎
  2. I am currently starting a project called “Thumbnails of Daily Life.” I hope to transfer these into a series of drawings that can be used to make unique, affordable post cards so that people can send original artwork through the mail that can be collected and shared. ↩︎
  3. Transform Hers: Construction of Female Identity in the  Age of Cyberfeminism and Community-Source Activism. I plan on creating an participatory, open-source, Creative Commons art project and corpus that can be added to and modified by others for social commentary and education. I hope that this will include representation by the LBGTQA+ community and other under represented groups. See additional artwork related to the installation in Installations & Shows and Digital↩︎